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Why SPF in your moisturiser is not enough

Updated: Jun 13, 2023

SPF (Sun Protection Factor) in foundation may not be as effective as standalone sunscreen for several reasons:

  1. Insufficient Application: To achieve the stated SPF level on the product, you need to apply a generous amount of foundation, typically around 1/4 teaspoon for the face alone. However, most people apply foundation in much smaller quantities, leading to a lower level of sun protection.

  2. Inadequate Coverage: Foundation is often applied unevenly or in thin layers, which may result in patchy coverage. Gaps in coverage can leave your skin exposed to harmful UV rays.

  3. Lack of Broad-Spectrum Protection: SPF only measures the protection against UVB rays, which primarily cause sunburn. However, it doesn't account for UVA rays, which penetrate deeper into the skin and contribute to premature aging and skin cancer. Broad-spectrum protection is essential to shield against both UVA and UVB rays, and many foundations do not offer this complete coverage.

  4. Ineffective Over Time: SPF in foundation can degrade over time due to factors such as heat, sunlight, and oxidation. As a result, the level of sun protection may diminish, especially if you've had the foundation for a long time or it has been exposed to unfavorable conditions.

  5. Inadequate Reapplication: Sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours, or as directed by the product, to maintain its effectiveness. However, reapplying foundation multiple times a day can be impractical and may lead to an unnatural appearance.

Did you know that wearing SPF on a daily basis can reduce signs of aging by up to 80%!

It's worth noting that while foundation with SPF may provide some level of sun protection, it's generally recommended to use a dedicated sunscreen with a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher for optimal protection. Apply sunscreen generously before applying foundation, and consider using other sun-protective measures such as seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and using sunglasses.

We stock various types of SPF in our clinic which protect against UVA, UVB, Infrared, Blue light and free radicals.

Book in for a consultation with us and we can discuss which SPF would be suited to your skin type.

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