Fine Lines and Wrinkles Removal Service in Doncaster
What are fine lines and wrinkles?
​Fine lines and wrinkles are an inevitable sign of ageing. They occur when collagen and elastin fibers, whcih give structure to your skin that keeps it supple and smooth, break down as part of the natural ageing process and result from external factors like sun exposure and smoking.
What causes fine lines and wrinkles?
​As mentioned above, ageing is the main cause, but wrinkles might appear earlier on in life for people who have sun-damaged skin or regularly smoke. Repetitive muscle contractions in the face such as frowning, squinting and smiling can also contribute to these lines, which you might more commonly know as frown lines, crow's feet and nasolabial folds respectively.
What's the difference between fine lines and wrinkles?
​In simple terms, it's the depth of the crease. Fine lines tend to be shallower, more superficial and less noticeable (but may progress to wrinkles over time) whereas wrinkles tend to be more deepset and a clearer sign of the ageing process.
Fine lines and wrinkles treatment by Skin Medicine
​All of our treatments plans are bespoke to you, but we normally treat fine lines and wrinkes using one - or a combination - of:
Anti-wrinkle injections
Pharmaceutical grade skincare by iS Clinical
What's best for you will depend on your skin type and what you want to achieve​
Just talk to us first and we'll discuss everything during an initial consultation