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Skin Tags Removal Service In Doncaster

What is a skin tag?

Skin tags are soft, skin-colored growths on the skin. They are very common and are usually small and harmless. We offer skin tag, wart, and verruca removal at both our Doncaster and Bawtry clinics 

What is a mole?

Moles are small, colored spots on the skin. Most people have them and they're usually nothing to worry about unless they change size, shape, or color.

What is Xanthelasma?

​It is a harmless, yellow growth that appears on or by the corners of your eyelids next to your nose. Cholesterol deposits build up under your skin to form a xanthelasma. We remove skin tags from the eyes in both our Doncaster and Bawtry clinics.

Skin tag removal and mole removal by Skin Medicine

A plasma pen is a machine we use to provide this highly innovative treatment used to eliminate skin blemishes and remove abnormal and unwanted tissue.

It uses melasma, a special form of a gas that has electrical energy, to work throughout the skin from the epidermis deep into the dermis.


The Plasma causes a process called sublimation which turns a solid into a gas so results are instant with moles, skin tags, and warts being removed in minutes.

Treatment times are usually less than 10 minutes, this procedure offers permanent results, and some skin lesions may require more than 1 session to get the best results. The treatment plan is discussed at your consultation before treatment. 

We carry out skin tags, moles, warts, and xanthelasma removal in both our Doncaster and Bawtry clinics. Prices for skin tag removal start from £50. 

We would need to assess your growth to be able to give you an accurate figure for removal.


Please feel free to send images to us for a quote. Certain skin growths require a GP letter of clearance stating we are safe to remove. 

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